Porn Content Production
You need content for your adult website? We can provide you with a wide range of services and produce porn and erotic content to your needs.
Our team of experienced producers, videographers, makeup artists and assistants are able to produce high quality adult content.
If you are interested, please fill out the inquery form and provide us with more information. If you are interested in Product Placement or Advertising in porn scenes or on some adult websites with which we cooperate with, send us an inquery.
The end price is subject to negotiations and is based on your demands. Higher demands means higher costs. We do not produce cheap low quality content!
8.3K 60fps RAW
We are able to deliver you up to 8.3K 60fps 12 bit RAW files for your own editing and color correction process. RAW will give you full control over the image, so you can adjust to your creative needs. Please be advised that 8K 60fps RAW is consuming around 1TB per 40 minutes recording. Please consult with us about the costs of delivering such RAW files to your editor.
High Quality Audio
We record two seperate audio streams. One directly into the camera with a professional microfone and a separate one with a broadcast quality microfone into a separate audio recorder.
Professional Editing
Our editors use Davinci Resolve to provide you with the best edits and the best output.
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